Factors That Impact The Frequency Of Car Tire Replacements

3 December 2021
 Categories: , Blog

Your car is made up of several parts that will wear out and need to be replaced at some point during the lifetime of the vehicle. One of those parts is the tires. 

Tires not only move your vehicle but also provide the traction required to maintain a good grip on the surface of the road you're traveling on. They are essential to ensure a safe and comfortable driving experience.

While your car manufacturer may recommend specific time or mileage intervals at which you should replace your tires, their recommendations are often based on the average amount of wear your tires should suffer under normal driving conditions.

Unfortunately, normal wear and tear and mileage aren't the only things that affect the wear rate on tires; other variables also come into play. Below are a few factors that may affect the frequency of your car tire replacement. 

How You Drive

What kind of driver are you? How you drive will impact the wear rate on your tires. If you are an aggressive driver, your tires will wear out at a relatively faster rate than a more normal driver. Some examples of aggressive driving behaviors that may increase the rate of tire wear and decrease tire lifespan include the following:

  • Weaving: constantly changing lanes and cutting off other drivers often in heavy traffic and at high speed
  • Tailgating: driving too close to the vehicle in front
  • Red-light running: driving quickly through a red traffic light
  • Not yielding to people and vehicles wishing to pass: failing to give pedestrians and other vehicles a right to pass

Aside from accelerating wear on tires, aggressive-style driving poses a hazard to road users, so it should be avoided whenever possible.

Where You Drive

What kind of driving do you do? If you use unsurfaced roads as part of your daily commute, your tires will wear out faster than someone who only uses the city highways.

How You Maintain Your Tires

Your tires need routine inspection and maintenance to remain in good working condition. Routine tire care ensures early detection of problems that may shorten the lifespan of your tires. This way, corrective action can be taken before permanent tire damage happens.

When it comes to auto tire replacements, it's important to consider the quality of tires you purchase. Quality tires perform well and last long, thus delaying the need for subsequent tire replacements. However, they tend to be on the expensive side. If you want to keep the need for tire replacements at a minimum, buy quality tires from a trustworthy auto parts dealer near you.

For more information, check out tires like Nissan tires.
